This Time IS NOT Different.
Christine Fortin - Jun 01, 2020
I feel like I communicated something quite similar in 1997 (economic crisis in Asia), 1998 (collapse of Long term Debt), 2000 (collapse of technology bubble), 2001 (9/11), 2002 (second wave fallout of 9/11), 2007/2008/2009, 2010 (Greece sovereign deb
I feel like I communicated something quite similar in 1997 (economic crisis in Asia), 1998 (collapse of Long term Debt), 2000 (collapse of technology bubble), 2001 (9/11), 2002 (second wave fallout of 9/11), 2007/2008/2009, 2010 (Greece sovereign debt crash and the dow jone’s worst intra day point loss), 2011 (august short term bear market), 2015 (commodity linked sell off), 2018 (pause of bear market and drop of 20% from sept to Christmas eve) and now 2020 (how am I still standing)?
Better yet, the market during that time (as of time of writing the S&P500 has managed to go up 235% (plus dividends growing at 6.11% annually) ***
And I will say this: It is not different this time.
Yet, every major bear market *feels* different when you are in it. However, they all end with the same result.
Every major bear market looks different when you’re inside it.
Thus the great lesson of the current crisis, to the lifetime investor and his/her advisor, will not be in its difference but in its essential sameness. That sameness may be quite difficult to see at the moment. But “This time it’s different” will forever turn out to be the failed investor’s four-word death song. *Source
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A crisis can be a catalyst for action if you don’t have an estate plan – or even a Will.
Review of your current Will, Powers of Attorney and beneficiary designations
Additional considerations for business owners when stress testing their estate plans
Complex tax and estate planning
Its been an interesting couple of months to say the least.