Client Experience
Our Client Commitment states that when you work with our Investment Advisors, we will . . .
Be fully transparent
Contact you regularly
Provide quality over quantity
Price with integrity
Offer a financial plan the way you want
To view the complete BMO Nesbitt Burns Client Commitmen
The development of this commitment was guided by two sources:
Clients - Through research, our clients have told us what qualities they value in their relationship with their Investment Advisor and BMO Nesbitt Burns.They have also told us what will trigger them to bring us more business.
Our Investment Advisors – A select team of passionate, successful Investment Advisors provided the critical thought leadership that helped us develop our client commitment.
Client Standards
This commitment was designed to take BMO Nesbitt Burns to the next level by implementing client standards. These standards were created as a result of two themes:
Mediocrity – that exists in financial services, in our own lives, and in some cases in our own business practices – both head office and IA practices. Through client standards, we will reduce our acceptance of mediocrity.
Pockets of excellence – the extraordinary practices that happen each day in our firm that we will leverage in each of our roles.