Having a comprehensive financial, wealth, and retirement plan is the best assurance of living your dream. While these plans are comprised of complex components and strategies, they work in unison to simplify your financial and personal life. Designing, executing, and monitoring such plans requires sophisticated skills and experience.
I am uniquely positioned to serve my clients. As an investment manager for BMO Nesbitt Burns, I have access to the full spectrum of resources that address their wealth management needs. For over 100 years, we have worked with individuals, families, businesses, and institutions to deliver wealth advisory solutions that help build, preserve, and transition their wealth. Our services include investment management, financial and retirement planning, estate planning, tax planning, insurance strategies, and lending.
I have initiated every client relationship with the end game in mind. I learn about you, your family, your aspirations, and your values. My commitment is to build a relationship with you, not just your money. What I learn helps me design highly customized solutions that combine sophisticated investment platforms with a high-touch service model. My approach is holistic, and involves frequent communication so we’re able to track, review, and adjust your portfolio as market and personal circumstances change.
Goal-based investment management is not about financial products. It’s about you, your family, and everything that gives your life meaning. It’s why static advice and “one-size-fits-all” investment products have become obsolete in today’s economic climate. We plan today so we are prepared regardless of what tomorrow brings.
My approach to goal-based investment management touches upon all stages of wealth. Wealth accumulation may be important, but it’s equally relevant to look down the road to the time when we draw upon our assets. It’s just one of the reasons why I employ a personal pension style of investment management that is highly client-centric and focused on goal-based returns. I further add value to the plan by carefully analyzing asset allocation, security selections, and by making tactical shifts when circumstances warrant them.
Goal-based investment management entails exceptional skills, practical experience, and a commitment to keeping up with global events that may impact your financial position. It’s why I stay connected to news and current events with almost fanatical fervor. When something important happens, my clients know I’ll alert them first.
One of the greatest advantages I offer my clients is a level of service rarely found in my profession. From the intensity of my work ethic to the frequency of my proactive communications, I strive each day to exceed their expectations.
Conversations I have with clients tend to be informal in tone which generally matches my personality and theirs. When conducting business, we know each other so well we talk, think and act like friends. When I tell them with a tongue-in-cheek grin they can expect Ritz-Carlton service with FedEx efficiency, their reaction puts a smile on both our faces.
My clients enjoy knowing there are never any surprises that will compromise our trusting relationship. Full transparency means they know exactly what to expect. I review the Investment Policy Statement with each one in detail, explaining everything and answering all questions. Our regularly scheduled reviews are conducted in person or over the phone, whichever they prefer. I’m viewed by some clients not only as their trusted advisor, but an extension of their family from whom they will seek advice, guidance and counsel on matters beyond finance. It’s why I’m accessible to my clients any day, any time and for any reason.