Prudent, long-term investing

Our team will help you invest in strong, proven companies with track records of consistent growth. Our aim is to build long-term, disciplined, diversified portfolios that have the resiliency to perform in all market conditions.
Our team will:

  • Establish your investment objectives
  • Develop an asset allocation strategy tailored for you
  • Design your portfolio and monitor it regularly
  • Provide ongoing investment advice
  • Perform periodic portfolio reviews and rebalancing


The benefits of discretionary portfolio management

As our client you will receive discretionary portfolio management, which means that we are qualified to make all your day-to-day investment decisions with a fiduciary duty to act in your best interest. This frees you from stress and empowers us to act quickly when opportunities or risks arise. We will create an Investment Policy Statement – a customized document that sets down unique parameters such as your goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, preferences and interests – which we use as a roadmap. You pay an asset-based fee so that our interests are aligned because we both benefit when your asset base grows.