
Can your Financial Plan Withstand one of Life’s Unwelcomed Surprises?

Plan Today to Secure your Future Financial Well-Being

In life, there are moments you work towards and others that take you by surprise. Events like the death of a spouse, a disability, or a divorce can leave your day-to-day life feeling turned upside down.
Regardless of how they come about, one thing is certain—these major life events may significantly impact your ability to achieve your goals for the future. When you have a financial plan, you’re better prepared for those potential unexpected bumps in the road. It may take
some adjustments, but that’s what financial planning is all about.


The Bottom Line

Your responsibilities go far beyond day-to-day commitments. You need to make sure those who depend on you will be taken care of — whatever life throws at you. It’s how you defend yourself and those you love from the unexpected. There are many other potential events that can have a significant financial impact on the family. An unexpected career change as a result of a downsizing or employer bankruptcy can cause financial distress similar to any of the more testing events described earlier. On the positive side, a family might be the recipients of a sizeable inheritance. We believe proactive planning and professional advice go hand in hand.


A Financial Plan for Protection and Peace of Mind

Having a solid financial plan in place keeps you on track for achieving your specific goals. But, a comprehensive financial plan also means being prepared for the unexpected. Whether you’re responsible for supporting yourself, or you and your spouse support the family,
it’s important to ensure that you and your family will be protected in case you are suddenly unable to provide for them or for yourself. Having an emergency fund, such as savings accumulated in a non-registered account and in a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), and the right type and amount of insurance in place goes a long way to providing peace of mind.