two men shaking hands among a group of people

Guiding you through all types of market conditions

Through 25 years of experience, we have developed a proven process that has been successful for a wide variety of clients - through bear and bull market conditions - and everything in between.


To kick off our client process, we have an introductory conversation to get to know each other a bit better.

Questions we discuss are:

  • What are your investment goals? Expectations?

  • What has been your saving and investment experience, up to this point?

  • Have you worked with a financial advisor before? What went well, what didn’t?

  • What kind of financial decisions are you considering? Tax sheltering? Coordination of benefits? Debt analysis? Business succession?


Once we mutually decide we’re a fit to work together, the formal part of our process begins.


WELCOME TO THE TEAM  (first steps)

  • Transfer assets to BMO Nesbitt Burns

  • Review your current investment strategy and make recommendations

  • Reinvest the assets into an appropriate portfolio

  • Initiate the creation of a WealthPath Plan

  • Begin to focus on specific financial issues that present a risk:

    • Tax planning

    • Wills and estate planning 


FIRST YEAR  (deciding on the details)

Engage our partners in the areas of:

  • Tax Planning

  • Business Succession

  • Insurance

  • Estate Planning

  • Schedule your quarterly investment portfolio reviews

  • Annual Tax Planning reviews  


ONGOING  (working and adapting the plan)

  • Regular communication to:

    • Discuss changes in investments

    • Provide perspective regarding the markets, economics, geopolitics

    • Stay in touch with you regarding any changes in your financial situation

  • Review and update WealthPath which evolves with your life changes

  • Quarterly Portfolio reviews

  • Annual Tax planning



It comes down to trust and confidence knowing that our financial advisor will always act in our best interest. It is also comforting, during reviews, to be exposed to the multitude of resources available through the Nesbit Burns Team, to make informed decisions regarding our portfolio.” 

- Joe & Patricia, June 2020


Discover more about how our process can improve your financial portfolio and your peace of mind.
The opinions expressed above are those of the named client author and are in no way representative of the views of all clients. Client testimonials do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding outcome of your investments.