
Making a meaningful difference in the lives of our clients by working together to plan, grow, protect and transition their wealth with confidence.


Building Long-Term Relationships
Harnum Wealth Management has been helping clients achieve their financial goals since 1979 . Many of our clients have been with us for years and our relationships now encompass many generations of the same family. We are determined to re-earn this loyalty every year.
The Importance of a Plan
The best financial decisions are made consciously and thoughtfully. Your future, and your family’s future, is too important to leave to chance. The cornerstone of a client’s financial success is a detailed plan that outlines their current circumstances, and their future goals and dreams. We deliver objective, personal financial and estate planning, including planning for retirement, as a component of every client’s experience. We will help you articulate your financial goals and establish a plan to achieve them, given your current and future resources.


Professional Services
Planning for the future of your family or your business is part of the integrated approach to wealth planning we offer. Make the most of your assets, and help protect them. Plan so your wealth ends up in the right hands, the way you intended. Employ tax-efficient strategies in every area of your financial dealings. Plan for a comfortable retirement. Factor in the unexpected. Take care of your loved ones – now and in the future.
Whether it’s helping to create or update your will, maximizing tax efficiency, accessing private banking services, or utilizing our full suite of portfolio management options, we offer a full range of services and products to help simplify and complete your personalized wealth management strategy.