client handshake

Portfolio Management


A key tenet of our wealth management approach is based on creating and maintaining customized portfolios for each client based on individual securities. This allows us to better understand the risk and opportunities in our clients' portfolios, to structure the portfolios as tax-efficiently as possible for a particular client’s own situation. Portfolios are reviewed and re-balanced regularly. Clients can expect regular portfolio review calls with Anne.


Portfolio management services are available on a discretionary and non-discretionary basis. This will depend on a client’s preference and level of interest for participation in the investment process.


Anne works with clients across the country, from coast to coast. She is registered to operate in most Canadian provinces.


Services are offered in French and English.




We charge a management fee for our services. We believe that this best aligns the interest of the client and the advisor. The fee is charged monthly and is based on the assets in the portfolio. It is a transparent fee, disclosed on the statement, contrary to hard to identify embedded fees that are the hallmark of many investment products. This management fee for non-registered account is also tax deductible.


The annual fee for a balanced portfolio is 1.25% plus applicable taxes. For portfolios greater than $2.5 million the fee is 1.0% plus applicable taxes.


An option of paying a fee on a per asset class basis is also available. This may be more advantageous for more conservative investors.


Financial Planning


Financial planning is not the production of a static glossy report full of colourful graphs and charts attempting to generate a financial forecast of the rest of your financial life.


We do produce a “financial plan” for many clients who need it. But it is only a baseline starting point.


Financial planning is the dynamic process of regular conversations and guidance with an Investment Advisor who knows your personal situation, goals, and risk tolerance. One should aim to work with an Investment Advisor who can adapt recommendations on many aspects of a client’s financial situation as life evolves and changes. Life is full of surprises and exciting new opportunities and directions. Financial decisions must be adapted dynamically with life events. Clients deserve an Investment Advisor who can think on their feet when making financial recommendations.

We aim to be the central resource for clients on any aspects of their financial lives. We also have a network of partners to assist depending on the issue at hand.