Our Service Model

Our Service Model

Everyone has different needs and goals, and we work hard to understand you so that our support is perfectly aligned with your unique challenges. One service model is built around your financial plan, your investment portfolio, tax and estate planning support, and regular contact to keep you on track for financial success.


Personalized and Customized Finacial Plan


Your financial plan is the foundation upon which your investment portfolio and all other support is built.  It is personalized and customized and it starts with a discussion about you, your values, and your aspirations for the future.

The planning process includes a comprehensive assessment of what you own, what you owe, what you earn and what you spend, and we will include events that are unique to you, your family or business.

Cash flow, retirement income, real estate, debt management, education savings, caring for elderly parent or someone with a disability, insurance for risk management, holding companies, and wills and powers of attorney are some of the issues that will be reviewed and integrated into your plan.

Your financial plan provides clarity and a roadmap for your future and we encourage you to update it on a regular basis to ensure that you stay focused on success.  Our estate analysis will ensure that all the necessary steps have been taken to ensure that your legacy continues to benefit future generations.


Investment Portfolio


Your investment portfolio should balance the return that you need to meet your goals while keeping the ups and downs within your comfort level. We believe that dividend growth investing is an excellent strategy to achieve these goals whether you are saving for retirement or already retired.

Investing in high-quality companies with a long track record of paying and increasing their dividends provides a return while you wait for share prices to appreciate. If you are not retired the dividends can be reinvested to accelerate the compounding of your wealth. If you already retired the dividends can become a tax-efficient source of income to support your lifestyle.

Companies that increase their dividends provide a hedge against inflation and help you maintain the purchasing power of your income, and these companies also tend to be more mature and often provide better capital preservation during a downturn than more speculative companies.


Regular Contact & Additional Support


Face-to-face meetings, conversations by phone, and regular touchpoints by email are a critical component of our service model.  Regular contact ensures that your portfolio reflects constantly changing financial markets, you are aware of tax or legal changes that could impact you, and we are aware of any changes in your life.

Significant life events such as a job change, marriage, divorce, death in the family, or birth of a child or grandchild often requires more focused time and attention, and we will leverage our partners to provide the support that will you need during these times.

Our partners include investment, legal, accounting, estate and insurance professionals that possess deep knowledge and experience in their respective fields.  Together we are united to provide exceptional service and help you grow, protect, and preserve your wealth.

The Campbell Group can help you achieve your financial goals.
Contact us today.