Matthew Henry James Dyck BA PFP CFP


Service Excellence

I am committed to building a solid, lasting relationship with my clients.

Keeping clients informed is a top priority for me. This means providing access to a wealth of educational materials, promptly returning phone calls, and quickly following up on administrative issues. It also involves monitoring accounts on an ongoing basis to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, and changing market conditions. I regularly review goals, strategy and portfolio performance with my clients.


Our approach is different. Because our clients are different.

What is most important to you? Your Investment Advisor will tailor a solution specifically for you, to maximize opportunities and mitigate potential challenges down the road. We apply disciplined, holistic, transparent and independent guidance, maintaining open and regular collaborative lines of communication, listening to you, and keeping you informed.
Your investment advisor and their specialized team of experts are here to understand your life priorities and deliver on our commitment to:

  Assess your financial goals and level of risk tolerance

 Develop a strategic and effective in-depth plan based on your current financial picture

 Put your customized investment plan into action

  Monitoring its progress over both the short and long term, with a responsibility to keep you informed 

   Meet at your desired frequency to review your portfolio, re-evaluate and re-balance where necessary