86% of Investment Advisors are men, with an average age of 50+. Globally, 67% of female investors feel their wealth manager misunderstands their goals or cannot empathize with their lifestyle. 1

Women face a unique set of financial challenges as well as goals and priorities; longer life expectancies, career patterns, caregiving responsibilities, and income differences, to name a few.

Depending on your salary and the market's performance, the real cost of the investing gap over a 35- year career span could be more than $1 million.2

Maximize your chances today by working with us to reach your goals:


  • We calculate financial plan targets to meet your specific needs. We factor in gender differences in pay, career breaks, longer lifespan, etc.  


  • We take the time to understand what is important to you and your family. We suggest how much you should contribute based on your financial profile and gender specific financial traits.


  • We provide aligned investment advice in simple and straight forward terms to increase the probability of a sound outcome. We recognize that different goals require different investment strategies.

For more information, please contact Valerie Bieniara at 416-359-6981 or by email.


Figure 1 – EY: Women and Wealth, The Case for a Customized Approach

Figure 2 - Time: Gender Wage Gap: Women Invest Less