Laying a solid foundation for your financial plan To be effective, you want a financial plan that takes you from where you are today to where you want to be. Where you are today Clarifying your current financial position is the first of six key steps in the financial planning process. That means looking at your current investments, savings, assets and liabilities. To help you with this process I can provide you with a series of questionnaires. Keep in mind that it is always important to capture the most current information. Outdated information can lead to incorrect conclusions. Where you want to be To get a clear picture of your financial destination you need to identify measurable financial goals and objectives. For example, stating that you want to retire at age 65 and spend 75% of current expenses is more meaningful than saying that you want to retire early. With an understanding of your current financial position and future destination, I can give you a more detailed analysis of what needs to be done to reach your goal. In addition, with measurable goals, you'll find it easier to track your progress. The next step I can help you with all aspects of financial planning. To begin the process, please contact me directly. Remember, the sooner you can get started, the closer you will be towards reaching your goals. The six key steps for financial planning success What can a financial plan do for you? Provide a roadmap to achieve financial goals such as:
Providing for post-secondary education
Ensuring your family’s financial security
Building wealth
Minimizing taxes
Saving for retirement
Leaving an estate for your heirs