To be truly successful financially, it’s important to have the right plan in place that meets your evolving needs. That’s why we work with you to set goals, both short and long term.
Traditional banking and payment solutions
Specialized, custom lending strategies
Investment-secured debt leveraged solutions
Complex credit structuring
Monetization of specialty assets
Cross-border banking and mortgage services
Custody selection
Access to best-in-class investment management platforms
Both fee-based and managed-assets portfolios
Open architecture platform
Best-in-class research
Active investment management
Strategic and tactical asset allocation
Dedicated philanthropic and legacy planning
Creation and administration of private foundations
Effective implementation of tax-efficient strategies
BMO Charitable Giving Program
Family education and governance
Legacy planning
Cash flow management and financial reporting
Wealth transfer
Tax minimization and cross-border strategies
Business valuation and succession
Financial and estate planning
Insurance and asset review
Lifestyle management
Pre– and post–IPO planning; exit tactics
Living and Family Trusts; Wills
Estate planning, management and litigation (trusts, holdcos, multiple beneficiaries)
Attorney for Property, Executor, Trustee or Court-Appointed Personal Representative
Trust administration and structuring
Agent services for ongoing tasks (e.g., tax compliance)
Escrow arrangements
enCircle concierge platform (comprehensive management)