Helpful Links

Online Banking & Account Access

For more information, please visit About Gateway web page, or Contact Us with any inquiries regarding your online access

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) - My Account

Access Canada Revenue Agency web site for personalized and business tax information. Check on your refund, or find out your TFSA and RRSP limits. Follow links to get tax information relating to operating a business.

Enduring Power of Attorney & Personal Directives for Care and Property

Please visit the Governement of Alberta website for information on Powers of Attorney and a guideline in appointing one.  You should contact a lawyer to get this agreement.  A lawyer can explain all of your agreement options.

You can create a personal directive yourself, using the personal directive form from the Alberta Government website.

Personal Directive Form


Always store legal documents in a safe place. Make sure that your attorney, your bank and anyone else who needs to know about these documents has a copy or knows where to get one. The government does not keep a registry of powers of attorney.

Estate Organizer

The BMO Nesbitt Burns Estate Information Organizer will help your family, executor , or Power of Attorney locate all of your important documents and the other information needed to administer your estate or act as your Power of Attorney. Within the Organizer, you can specify where documents or accounts are located, identify appropriate contacts and provide access details for your online accounts. The Estate Information Organizer can be invaluable to your executor, helping to ensure that nothing is overlooked.

Executor Task List

Executors are responsible for a variety of tasks ranging from funeral arrangements to filing income tax returns with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), to the final distribution of estate assets. If you are appointed Executor, our Task List will provide you with some guidance by describing the types of duties you will be required to perform.

Budget Template

This BMO Nesbitt Burns Lifestyle Expenditure Worksheet will assist in identifying the major areas of family expenditures and help with the debt management.