Our Clients

Advising Elite Athletes

Our team serves the unique needs of professional athletes, sports managers and agents who work in the unpredictable business of pro sports. We deliver actionable solutions to the unique problems you face along with top-tier service, financial literacy coaching, clarity and discretion.
Athletes tend to earn high incomes early in their careers and often earn sporadically. Our wealth planning can help to provide a reliable, consistent long-term income stream for life. We can work to help you maximize your assets, minimize risk and loss, and avoid the typical blind spots that can compromise an athlete’s long-term stability.
Because injury can occur, and pro athletes have short careers compared with typical individuals, we will help you to manage your wealth with discipline from the start. It’s tempting for top athletes to spend extravagantly while they are earning well. Many spend millions before they have realized it. Bankruptcy is endemic in the athletic world. We recommend reading the article Why Athletes Go Broke. We can help you to plan – and stick with the plan – so the good times last.
When you receive a signing bonus or endorsement cheque, we can help you invest some of the funds for tomorrow while enjoying some freedom today.
We can advise you objectively about opportunities offered to you, provide access to trusted legal experts to advise you regarding contracts, and introduce you to our BMO Trust Company partners for trusts to guarantee the course of your wealth in dynamic family situations.