Welcome to the Christie & Associates Team


We are a highly motivated team of investment and wealth management professionals, dedicated to advancing our clients’ financial interests through superior service, unparalleled business acumen and the desire to outperform.


Christie & Associates is comprised of recognized and highly capable investment and wealth management consultants. Together, our specialists provide the proficiency and know-how that makes us a team that is truly greater than the sum of its parts.


We understand that every client is unique, with varying tolerances for risk, different time horizons and requiring diverse investment strategies. With that in mind, we put our collective skills to work to achieve two primary objectives: to fully understand the investment goals of our clients and to build a diversified portfolio that will meet their needs.


Customized financial solutions uniquely suited to the performance goals of each client is where we shine. Allow the six high performing investment professionals of the Christie & Associates team to put our winning combination of experience, insight and commitment to work for you.