Richmond Cord Wealth Advisory of BMO Nesbitt Burns is a trusted sounding board for busy professionals, business owners and retirees.
We empower you to enjoy your wealth with our clear-sighted analysis, thoughtful planning and customized advice.
We work alongside you every step of the way, so you are knowledgeable in your decisions and confident about achieving your goals.
We bring you peace of mind, knowing that your portfolio is positioned to help you enjoy your wealth.
BMO Nesbitt Burns Private Client Division leverages the resources of BMO Financial Group including an extended team of industry experts and designated specialists with whom our team can partner should your needs require it.
"Bonnie and her team team are a real pleasure to work with. Over the years they have carefully analyzed my needs and come up with a winning strategy that has achieved positive results. I couldn’t be happier." ML - December/2018
"Elias takes the time and effort to know, understand (and remember!) my needs - my company, my personal life, my limitations, fears - fitting his advice to help me with decision making. He LISTENS to my situation and comes up with great solutions. Elias is genuine. He is always on top of my account, knows where I am with my finances and life situation on any given day. Wholly reliable, I give him my full trust." AM - July/2021
The opinions expressed above are those of the named client author and are in no way representative of the views of all clients. Client testimonials do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding outcome of your investments
Can we personally welcome you? Contact us to schedule a meeting.