Investment Solutions 

Whether you’re looking for the growth potential of equities, the safety of fixed income, or the broad diversification of managed funds and portfolio solutions, RT Wealth Management can put a world of investment solutions at your fingertips.

Your investing options span a broad range of advisory and managed account programs, as well as more traditional commission-based securities trading. You’ll be able to follow the approach that suits you best and have the confidence of knowing that all of our investment strategy recommendations are supported by the BMO Nesbitt Burns Portfolio, Action & Research Team.

Our Disciplined Process —How our disciplined, five-step investment process helps to define your vision, meet your current needs, and manage your assets to achieve your long-term goals.

Discretionary Portfolio Management —Entrust us to make your investment decisions without needing your approval for every transaction and enjoy firm oversight and other valuable benefits.

BMO Nesbitt Burns Resources —Learn how clients benefit from our top-ranked equity research team, the BMO Nesbitt Burns Portfolio, Action & Research Team, and our managed and fee-based advisory account options.

Banking and Cash Management Services —Instantly access your banking and investment accounts through any ATM in Canada or a wide range of ATMs in the U.S., plus enjoy premium interest rates and the distinction of Platinum Banking services from a dedicated Private Banker.

Succession Planning —We will help you to value your business, plan your exit strategy, manage transition and ownership matters, and plan for your retirement and your family’s financial security.