Our Process

Our process is tailored to each client's unique needs and goals, starting with a friendly conversation to build a personal relationship. We then conduct a discovery meeting and develop a custom financial plan to help achieve financial success.



1. Introduce

We prioritize building personal relationships with our clients by starting with a friendly conversation. This gives us the chance to introduce ourselves, learn about your unique needs and share how our services can help you achieve your goals. 

2. Discover 

We conduct a thorough discovery meeting to gather information and tailor our advice accordingly. By understanding your unique needs and goals, we offer guidance that empowers you to make informed decisions and achieve success with confidence. 

3. Develop 

With personalized service and expert guidance, we create custom financial plans and investment proposals that align with your goals.

4. Implement 

Reviewing your financial plan and investment proposal, we begin taking action. If establishing a professionally managed portfolio, we will create a customized Investment Policy Statement that outlines how your portfolio will be managed. 

Our Ongoing Relationship 

We believe that the key to long-term financial success lies in a strong and lasting relationship between our team and our clients. We're committed to providing ongoing support and guidance to ensure you stay on track towards achieving your financial goals.

Review your progress

We meet together on a regular basis to review your portfolio and progress with the strategies in your financial plan.

Monitor and advise

We advise you on an ongoing basis, and professionally manage your portfolio.

Respond to life

When changes occur in your life, we respond with professional advice based on our in-depth knowledge of your unique situation.

Full annual review

On an annual basis, we update your financial plan to reflect changes in your life and in your portfolio.