
Our Services:

Financial Planning. 

We work together to gain an understanding of you and your family as individuals, your goals, and your financial realities. We help to articulate and frame your goals to work for you. Finally, we create an achievable and realistic plan on how to reach them.  Once a plan is in place, we implement the investments, oversee their management, and are there to advise you along the way. 

Investment Management. 

We specialize in offering discretionary and professionally managed portfolios. As independent advisors we are not tied to any one investment company or type. We construct portfolios primarily using GICs, fixed income, and equities. We are guided by (1) capital preservation, (2) long-term growth, (3) liquidity, and (4) quality.

Financial Advice. 

There are many situations in life where one could benefit from financial expertise. Whether it’s buying your first house, transitioning between careers, retiring, marriage, divorce, your children’s education, or something else entirely, the financial implications of the situation are probably not at the forefront of your mind. Nevertheless, decisions surrounding these situations can have serious financial implications and impact your life. We make ourselves available to our clients for these situations as an independent source of advice and guidance. As your financial and investment advisor we are there for you.

Our Fees.

With the MC Wealth Management Team, for Discretionary Portfolio Management,  our clients pay a fixed percentage no matter how many transactions; there are no commission charges, no per transaction charges, no hidden fees for advice etc.

We are committed to full transparency in all we do. This means we have no bias, no motivation other than ensuring we do our best to invest, build and advise you on your wealth management.

Our fees are simply deducted from your account on a regular basis with statements issued to you for tax purposes, as all fees on taxable accounts are potentially deductible against revenue.